Just popped in to The Richmond branch

Kind, professional and keen to help. True service.
I was staying in Richmond (North Yorkshire) for one night and walked past The Richmond Hearing Practice as I approached my hotel. I had noticed my right hearing aid had stopped functioning and thought The Richmond Hearing Practice may be able to help there and then ( I was attending a wedding 2 hours later). Within a minute of my request for help the hearing practitioner was looking at my hearing aid, unblocked it and fitted a new part ( a shield) and the right hearing aid was working – as good as new. Proactively he suggested he took a look at the left hearing aid and advised it needed some cleansing so carried out a similar repair and cleaning exercise on that aid.
Within 15 minutes I had left with fully functioning hearing aids – this was customer service at its best.
5 starsharles


I’m deaf. Now what? By Simon Schofield (Leeds)

5 out of 5 stars

I’m deaf.  Now what?    By Simon Schofield

“I finally faced up to my problem one summer evening, strolling up the road on the way for a drink with my teenage daughter. She was on my right hand side – and chatting away. I could hardly hear a word she was saying.  In hindsight, all the signs were there – and familiar to those of us who now wear hearing aids. I asked people to repeat things. A lot. I had the TV or radio on louder than everyone else. At parties, or in the pub, I struggled to hear the person talking to me over the hubbub. I’d even returned a pair of headphones, claiming they were faulty because the sound on the right had side was muffled and close to inaudible. I’d ignored all the signs, but I couldn’t carry on doing that. Was I deaf on that side? It was time to find out. It was a big decision – and one I wasn’t too fond of pursuing to its conclusion. I was only fifty two, running my own company in television production and in my free time leading an extremely active life indulging my passion (my wife would say obsession) for road cycling. Whilst it’s never a great idea to be complacent, life was pretty sweet – on the grand scale of things, I didn’t have a lot to worry about. So I really didn’t want to be deaf.  But having made the decision, there was little point in delay. I made a private appointment with an ENT specialist for a hearing test and examination. It didn’t take long. I had quite severe loss on the right hand side and a mild loss on the left. It was “idiopathic” – this is doctor-speak for “We have no idea why you’re deaf.” There was one highly unlikely thing that needed to be ruled out, which is a common cause of single-sided deafness, namely an acoustic neuroma. You don’t want one of those, but an MRI scan, arranged through the NHS, provided reassurance.

I wasn’t dying, I was just deaf. Now what? The immediate priority was a cycling trip to the Alps to climb a few hills, watch a race – and reflect that I was now officially deaf. Over a few beers with my mates, the way forward emerged: The problem wasn’t going to fix itself – I was going to need hearing aids. I wasn’t thrilled, but I just needed to get on with it. I hit Google when I got home – and emerged a couple of days later, thoroughly confused. I work in a highly technical industry, I’m a fully paid up gadget-freak and I’m pretty clued up on electronics and technology but the choice was overwhelming. I needed a human being to help me – and one who knew what they were talking about. I found Rob on the web, and a few days later, he was sitting across from me at the dining room table. I feel a bit sorry for audiologists in this position – they tend to be the focus of your frustration that one of your essential faculties has gone south, never to return and dealing with people who are essentially in a state of shock can’t be easy. 

Rob was very patient – and explained that my dream scenario, a hearing aid that would be invisible, have eternal battery life and would restore my hearing to 20/20, was probably not going to happen. He took me through the options and guided me towards a Behind-The-Ear (BTE) CROS system.  The system would place a tiny box of tricks, nestling just behind the ear, on my bad side. In it – a microphone which would gather sound and send it, via Bluetooth, to a second box of tricks on my good side. All the sound would be channeled into my good ear – with some impressive electronics mixing it and processing it to make it sound as natural as possible and to fool the brain that the bad ear was working. There was an inevitable period of adjustment. No matter how good the electronics, the new sound is different. I now know that it’s called “processed” sound. It sounded artificial and a bit weird. But gradually, I became accustomed to it.

Not overflowing with happiness, but adapted – and three years later, the adaptation process continues.  I think Rob probably finds me one of his more demanding clients. I had him back several times to tweak the sound and the volume in the early months – and his patience and knowledge was always exemplary. He refrained from giving me the hard sell on new products or advances in software and hardware, but, continuing to do my own research, I am now on my third CROS system. The principle remains the same, but the technological advances are substantial. My latest Phonak system is much better than anything I’ve had before – the sound is very natural and the ability of the software to learn from the various sound environments I encounter is incredibly clever. Of course, it’s not been cheap. Rob does price keenly and he has given me good deals. But I have spent thousands of pounds trying to defeat my disability. Three years on, my life has changed. Some of it was going to happen anyway, and some of it was a consequence of being deaf. I am reluctant to do some things that I used to do. But my main interests remain the same, I still greatly enjoy life, I still ride my bike up mountains, and nowadays I just try to see deafness as part of life’s rich tapestry. It could be a lot worse . . . . . and every few weeks I get to have a good moan at Rob. 

In conclusion – if you find yourself in my position, I’d give the following advice: Don’t think that a hearing aid will restore your hearing to perfection. It might, but it’s unlikely. You have to learn to deal with being a bit deaf and you will work out strategies that help. As in many areas of life, you get what you pay for. The more expensive hearing aids do produce better results. Tell people that you’re a bit deaf. It removes embarrassment and everybody I’ve ever told has reacted positively. 

And be nice to Rob – it’s not his fault you’re deaf!”

Visit RJDhearingcare 

Starkey Livio Edge 2400 – in the ear, rechargeable

Report on Starkey Livio Edge AI 2400, November 2021

Sometimes the memories/programs would change spontaneously. Sometimes only one side changed and I would need to change programs to get them both back to normal.

Every 5-10 minutes they have a 3 second cut out. I have wondered if it is when they are adapting to changing situations when in auto (what they call “Normal”).
I run, and when running they sometimes think the vibration (I have touch sensitivity set to min) is a double tap so I hear the voice repeatedly telling me that they have gone back to the normal program as they switch between Edge and Normal.
After streaming sometimes only one side goes back to normal.  I would need to change programs to get them both back to normal.
Bluetooth connection is generally hit and miss. I lost count of the times I had to get it back by rebooting the phone after switching Bluetooth off and on did not solve the problem.

Eventually the stopped streaming phone calls.   I have switched Bluetooth on and off, restarted phone, unpaired and repaired (twice).  Uninstalled app then reinstalled. They continue to stream radio, YouTube, Google maps satnav, etc, but no phone calls. On the phone screen during a phone call the symbol tells me the phone is streaming the call to the hearing aids but nothing is coming through.

Eventually all the problems undermined my confidence in the Livio Edge AI 2400 generally and especially on aids that are so reliant on an app. 


Graham Hutchinson, 10/11/21

Phonak P30 RIC Hearing Aids & Music

Phonak P30 RIC Hearing Aids


Paradise: A place or condition of great happiness where everything is exactly as you would like it to be; Heaven.


Comparisons are with my Widex Beyond 440 aids, which I have been wearing for several years.


Comfort and Fit

The body of the P30 aids is compact but slightly wider than my Widex Beyond 440s. The extra width is probably to accommodate the rechargeable battery and its associated electronics. The difference in size isn’t large, but it is significant when the aids are vying for space with spectacles and facemask loops.

The size S domes on the M receivers are easy to insert in my ear canals. My LH ear canal is narrow, and the dome feels a bit uncomfortable at times. Widex makes a smaller size XS open ear-tip, which fits my LH ear canal better than the Phonak S.


Ease of use

The phone app is easy to use, and it has a comprehensive set of functions.

Volume and program change can be done using the buttons on the aids, but they are a bit fiddly to use. Notifications of changes made are by a series of beeps, which I found a bit confusing at first.


Sound Quality

The Phonak P30s are bright sounding aids. I think that the brightness enhances understanding of speech.

The aids amplify head sounds such as breathing and chewing. I think that the reason for it is that the body of the aids is slightly resonant. I found it disconcerting at first, but I quickly got used to it.



I used the Universal program most of the time, but I also used Music with Feedback Manager and Music without Feedback Manager.

The Universal program worked well. My understanding of speech was good, including TV dialogue. Some sounds, such as those generated by cutlery on crockery, or running water, seemed to be accentuated, whereas others, such as the sound from a car engine, seemed subdued.

The Universal program is not good for listening to music. The operation of the Feedback Manager interferes with notes in the higher register causing an unpleasant tremolo effect. The effect was also present to a lesser extent with the Music with Feedback Manager program. The effect was not there with the Music without Feedback Manager program, which sounded quite good.

Feedback was an issue when using the Music without Feedback Manager program, but the problem was reduced by lowering the volume of the aids



I paired the aids with my Android phone and with my Windows tablet. The pairing was simple enough.

The streaming feature was useful for taking calls, but I was particularly interested in how the aids would sound with streaming music. The track that I used for testing was Madeleine Peyroux’s version of Careless Love.

I played an 835kbps FLAC CD rip and a 262kbps m4a version of the track using both the phone and the tablet. There was little or no difference in sound quality between the phone and the tablet.

There was a fair amount of background hiss. The sound of both versions of the track was acceptable. Jay Bellerose’s drums and Larry Goldings’ Hammond Organ came across particularly strongly, but David Piltch’s double bass sound lacked body and resonance. Madeleine Peyroux’s voice sounded good, as always, but it lacked some of the usual velvety smoothness . . .




Phil is back in control


My introduction about me.

I am 49 years of age. My name is Philip Morton I have been married 26 years and have 4 children aged 27, 23 & 22 our second eldest would have been 25. I run my own Plastering & Rendering business. I am on the tools & arranging works.

My hearing loss started gradually – unlike sight where you can more easily perceive that your eyesight is worsening. You can’t easily sense what you can’t hear, so to speak. As time went by, subtitles & increases in the TV volume became the norm. I thought the TVs were not as loud as they used to be or the people in the films were mumbling.

Two years ago, a noise started in my left ear – a buzz and a whistle sometimes in my right but constantly in my left. Unbeknown to myself I had started the hearing loss & tinnitus journey. A journey of appointments & referrals, culminating in NHS aids fitted after a hearing test in both ears, due to hearing loss with two Masking sounds – a wave and white noise. At each appointment, I saw a different person with differing advice – leaving a chasm of confusion. The tinnitus had not gone away – it had been replaced by the new masking sounds. My hearing wasn’t improved either as the masking noises I would use to keep the noise of the tinnitus at bay also lessened what I could hear.

Researching online I could see many groups, pages & sites with differing approaches & quite a lot of negativity about tinnitus gave me a feeling of despair.

The pandemic started, mask-wearing had me confused try to follow people’s speech – and the anxiety of entering a shop sent the Tinnitus levels even higher. I had now resorted to leaving my left aid in even during sleep with a wave masking noise on.

My daily thoughts were all consumed by tinnitus and getting through the day, dreading nighttime as this was the most difficult time. My wife supporting & helping me was a great comfort but it’s extremely difficult to explain the feeling & situation of despair I was experiencing. My mind was a fog of mishearing conversations, tinnitus & masking noises. Isolation was creeping in. I felt deafened by the noises and frustrated.

I had read some reviews about Rob at Trust Hearing. I booked an initial slot for advice on tinnitus this month. Meeting him has changed my life – my outlook on tinnitus and my hearing. His approach is passionate and supportive.

He assessed me & could see the methods I needed to change. He was not waiting with a range of aids set up ready to sell me a product. He felt strongly that I needed a specific set of aids with his expertise in setting them up. He left & retrieved a pair from his car. He fitted them:  it felt like the world had been turned up, but not to a degree where it was overwhelming me. My tinnitus was lessened as I could hear my surroundings far more clearly.

I have no masking noises now & a speaker pillow Rob advised me to buy. With these set up, he has given me the ability to hear my customers clearly on the phone, my family again &  my surroundings. I wear the aids all day & charge at night. If my Tinnitus is there, I put the speaker pillow on.

My tinnitus is still there but far less and each day it is getting better.bI feel my number-one thoughts are my family again. Tinnitus is not in my every thought. I sat outside last night listening to the movements of the trees which felt terrific & I saw Rob today.  Such a genuine person there to help & advise in a way that you feel so confident in his ability. You know you have found someone who actually gets you & clicks with all your concerns.

If you have tinnitus don’t give up. There may not be a cure but with the right advice, help and in my case aids – tinnitus will not control you, you will control it. Hope is there I am so grateful that I have after 2 years found a far brighter future. I feel like my old self again.

Thank you Rob – you have impacted not only my life but all my families.

#Tinnitus #hope #positivity #controlit

Review from Switzerland

Meine persönlichen Erfahrungen mit RJD Hearing Care

Ich habe nach  Prüfung verschiedener Kriterien bei RJD Hearing Care zwei Phonak Hörgeräte gekauft und bin – was den Händler betrifft und auch die  Phonak-Hörgeräte – so zufrieden, dass ich hier meine Erfahrungen an Sie weitergeben möchte. Ganz privat und ohne gebeten worden zu sein!! Also keine Test-Org. oder Check 25 oder so ….

  1. Bewertungs-Kriterium: Die Qualität der gekauften Phonak Marvel M90-R -Hörgeräte
    Ich habe in den letzten Jahren verschiedene Hörgeräte führender Hersteller getestet und habe mich für Phonak aus der Schweiz entschieden, da ich hier ein sehr gutes Preis-Leistungsverhältnis gefunden habe. Bitte einmal die Preise selbst vergleichen.Besonders  angenehm:
    –  Die sehr präzise Verstärkung, gerade für Gespräche, Theater oder Fernsehen
    –  störungsfreie Verstärkung, ohne Klirren des Geschirrs oder Knarren des Fußbodens
    –  Die Lautstärkeänderung durch einfaches Tastendrücken am rechten Ohr
    –  Das schnelle Aufladen der Akkus über Nacht oder auch zwischendurch
    –  Die Anbindung mit TV-Connector an das Fernsehgerät  oder Computer 
  2. Bewertungs-Kriterium: Die Kaufabwicklung mit dem Lieferant aus England– mit dem Audiogramm meines Ohrenarztes habe ich bei der Beihilfe und Krankenkasse “grünes Licht” erhalten
    –  aufgrund des äußerst guten Bewertungen bei eBay und des günstigen Preises habe ich bei RJD Hearing Aid bestellt, alles problemlos
    –  die Bezahlung erfolgte über Paypal, wobei die Umrechnung in EUR auch klappte
    –  die neuen Hörgeräte werden als versichertes Palet mit Tracking-Number innerhalb von 2 Tagen aus England geliefert
  3. Bewertungs-Kriterium: Die Service-Leistungen des Händlers RJD Hearing  Care– die Beratung und Beantwortung meiner Fragen wurden zügig und freundlich beantwortet
    – Die Ausstellung der Rechnung erfolgte in GBP und EUR und wurde von den Kassen anstandslos anerkannt
    –   Der Händler steht auch nach dem Kauf für Beratungen und Service zur Verfügung, was ich jedoch noch nicht in Anspruch genommen habe

Diese Bewertung habe ich als “Dankeschön” persönlich vorgenommen und stehe unter rainer.lorke@web.de zu Auskünften gerne zur Verfügung

“Technology is the key!”

I became a patient at Rob’s practice about 6 years ago and the first thing that I noticed was the technology that was being used seemed to be more advanced than what I had previously experienced.
New Technology aligned with an impressive IT system is high on the agenda with Rob at the RJD Hearing Care Practice, which helps to give one immediate confidence .
I have continued to be impressed by the detail and attention that I have been given to make sure that I have the correct solution for my hearing needs.
It was not long before Rob in his very professional and methodical way had a perfect understanding of just what was best in my particular circumstances.
His solution gave me confidence and was just what I needed .
He was always ready to help and advice especially when at times effectiveness of my hearing seemed to be a waning a little.
During some months I had began to notice a fall off in sound quality and discussed this with Rob and coupled with known advances in Bluetooth Technology decided this was a time to look for an update as my current aids were now about 5 years old.
With Rob’s understanding of my needs , and after looking at various systems coupled with some research I became aware of the outstanding qualities that Oticon offered. So the Oticon Opn S1 miniRITE became my eventual choice.
I immediately noticed a dramatic and different dimension and a greater clarity than I had previously experienced  – sounds I had almost forgotten existed were now much brighter. No longer was there a muffled sound nor was I at times straining to hear a conversation.
And the Oticon ON app gave me several options to alter the sound to suit the particular circumstance I was in, this made a big difference especially at music concerts , with my volunteering work in a Hospital where I need to communicate with staff and visitors, with Theatre visits and listening to speakers in Church and at public events.
The addition of the adapter for the television has been another great step forward. which enables me to listen to the sound and volume I want without causing discomfort to others and lets me continue to listen even when not in the room. And sound can be transmitted from some of my other electronic systems direct to my Oticon hearing aids.
The Bluetooth system also allows me to listen to music direct to my Oticons and for my
my iPhone to be more efficient , calls come direct to my Oticon hearing aids and the inset microphones allow me to have conversations with little or no inconvenience. Oticons have given me a new and improved outlook of the environment around me and made me realise just what I had been missing.
5 stars
David Upton
West Yorks
12 11 19